

Morning sickness is quite common during the first trimester of pregnancy. Though It will come to an end by itself but the trouble is, you don’t quite know when that will be. Try these self-help tips.

 No one knows exactly what causes morning sickness during pregnancy. However, but it does appear to be related to the increased level of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)pregnancy hormone. This is the hormone that the body begins to produce once the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. While not all morning sickness remedies may work for you, there are several options you can try to find some relief.


  1. Juice Some Ginger

Ginger promotes the secretion of various digestive juices/enzymes that help neutralize stomach acid. It also contains phenols that relax stomach muscles and act similar to a sedative on irritated stomach tissue, reducing over activity of the stomach. 


Try adding a thin slice of ginger to hot water or tea, or sipping flat ginger ale. Doesn’t sound appetizing? Snack on a handful of crystallized ginger candy, nosh on gingersnaps or gingerbread, or find your own tasty way to soup up the root. 


  1. Sniff a lemon

Refreshing scent may help with morning sickness. The smell of lemon can cut through the murky feeling of nausea and tame an upset stomach.



  1. Stay Hydrated

Being hydrated is essential during pregnancy. Some mothers with morning sickness may not feel like consuming their recommended eight glasses of water per day, especially if their stomachs seem not to let them. However, the more dehydrated you are, the more nauseated you will become.


  1. Try Acupressure

Both Eastern and Western medical practitioners describe a pressure point about two inches above the crease on the inner aspect of the wrist. If this pressure point is stimulated, it may relieve nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy.

  1. Eat Little & Often

When your tummy is empty, the stomach acids have nothing to feast on but your stomach lining, resulting in worsening nausea. On the other hand, eating too much can overtax the digestive system, also leading to quease. Keeping your tummy a little bit full all day and all night is the best to minimize the sign of morning sickness.

Have some banana, peanut butter snacks, or some other protein snack before you get out of bed in the morning. At night, try eating something high in protein snack/meal before going to bed, as this will help regulate your blood-glucose levels.

6.       Boost Your B Intake

Studies showed that women who took 25 milligrams of vitamin B6 three times a

day (a total of 75 milligrams per day) for three days reduced nausea and vomiting

associated with pregnancy.  Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking

any supplement.


  1. Get Some Fresh Air

If you’re stuffed up in the house all day, getting some fresh air can do wonders. Take a short walk outside, or even just sit on the front porch for a while. Even just opening a window or turning on the air conditioning can help!